Legal notice


Carrying out the informative duty of Article 10 of the Law 34/2002,
July 11th, of Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y del Comercio Electrónico (Law
34/2002 of services of the society of information and electronic trade), we show the following
data: the company is SANTYMAR, S.A., with CIF (Tax ID Number) A
36.639.946 and business address in Polígono Industrial A Pasaxe 113, Vincios, 36.316,
Gondomar (Pontevedra), with contact e-mail:


The Access and/or use of this webpage of SANTYMAR, S.A. attributes the condition
of USER, that accepts, from said access and/or use, the General Terms of Use here shown. Said
conditions will be applied separately from the General Contractual Conditions that ought to be
followed in your case.

3. USE OF THE PORTAL: provides access to various information, services,
programs or data (henceforth, “the content”) on the internet belonging to SANTYMAR, S.A., to
which the user may have access granted. THE USER undertakes the responsibility of using said
portal. Said responsibility extends to the register that may be necessary to access some
specific services or contents.
In said register, the USER will be responsible of providing truthful and valid information. As a
consequence of this register, the USER may be granted a password of which he will be
responsible, committing himself to a confidential and fair use of said given password. The
USER commits to an adequate use of the contents and services that SANTYMAR, S.A., offers
through its webpage, compromising to not using them to illegal activities, contrary to public
order, national defense or public health.
In any case, SANTYMAR, S.A. holds the right to unilaterally modify, in any moment and
without previous warning, the structure and design of the webpage: modifying or eliminating
services or contents such as the access conditions and/or the use of the website.
In the same way, SANTYMAR, S.A. holds the right to modify in any moment these present
terms of use, and any other terms contained in the website


Carrying out the established parameters in the General Regulations (EU) 2016/679 of Data
Protection, and in the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, of Protection of Personal Data and
Guarantee of Digital Rights, we communicate the user that the personal data that he
voluntarily provides, to any of our information gathering sources, will be incorporated to the
automatized data Treatment Activities of personal nature property of SANTYMAR, S.A., with
the goal of being able to provide our services, and also to keep the user informed about
matters related to the company’s activities and its services. The fields marked with “*” are
mandatory, therefore not filling them in will prevent the USER from enjoying some of the
services and information provided in the web. The data in said fields will be treated
confidentially as well.
SANTYMAR, S.A. follows completely the present legislation in matter of data protection of
personal nature and the confidentiality compromises characteristic of this activity.

SANTYMAR, S.A. has adopted the necessary technical measures to maintain the required
security levels, according to the nature of the personal dated treated and the treatment
circumstances, with the objective of avoiding, as much as possible and always according to the
status of the techniques, its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorised access. In order to
carry out the before mentioned management, it may be needed to send the data to the
organisms responsible for said treatment, associated companies and public administration
(which may also verify the truthfulness of the data).
In the event that the USER provides personal data that refers to physical people other than
himself, the USER must, before including them, inform of the content of this clause, according
to what is established in the General Regulations (EU) 2016/679 of Data Protection, and in the
Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, of Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital
SANTYMAR, S.A. as responsible of the Treatment Activities, guarantees the exercise of the
rights of access, rectification, suppression, limitation, opposition and portability of the
provided data, as disposed in the General Regulations (EU) 2016/679 of Data Protection, and in
the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, of Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of
Digital Rights, the USER may also exert those rights at any moment, by sending a written
document to the business address, adding a copy of his ID or Passport.
SANTYMAR, S.A. guarantees that all commercial communication that it sends to its clients
obeys the present regulations.
Because of that, following the Law 34/2002 of services of society and information and
electronic trade and the Law 9/2014 of general telecom, the user is informed that SANTYMAR,
S.A., may send by electronic means information about products and services of interest to
which you present your consent.
You may at any moment revoke this authorization in this email address

At the same time, we inform you that you can contact the Data Protection Officer of
SANTYMAR, S.A., at the email address


The user is now warned that this website employs cookies. Cookies are small
text files that are installed in the browser of the USER’s computer in order to register its
activity, sending an anonymous identification that is stored in that computer, with the
objective of allowing easier browsing, by, for example, providing access to the USERS that have
previously registered and the access to areas, services, promotions or contests that are
exclusive to them without having to register every time they try to get in. Cookies can also be
used to measure audience, traffic and browsing parameters, session duration, and/or
controlling the progress and amount of visits. SANTYMAR, S.A. will try to establish adequate
mechanisms at all times to obtain the USER’s consent to install the cookies that may need
installing. Despite this, law must be taken into account, and according to it, it shall be
understood that (I) the USER has given his consent if he modifies the configuration of the
browser in a way that it disables the restrictions that prevent the use of cookies and (II) said
consent won’t be necessary for the installation of those cookies that are strictly necessary for
providing services that are expressly requested by the USER (by previously registering).

It may occur that some cookies used in this web site are not directly related to SANTYMAR,
S.A. This is because some pages of the website have inserted content from third-party
websites (such as a YouTube video).

Because the aforementioned content comes from another website, SANTYMAR, S.A. doesn’t
control the configuration of said cookies. If you want to change your cookie configuration
settings, you will have to check with those third party websites to obtain such information.


SANTYMAR, S.A. by itself or as assignee, is
owner of all the rights over industrial and intellectual properties of his webpage, and also the
elements contained in it (such as, but not limited to, images, sound, video, software or texts;
brands or brand logos, colour combinations, structure and design), strictly prohibiting its
reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the category of disposing the
totality or part of the content and by any technical means, without the authorization of
The USER commits to respect the rights of Intellectual and Industrial Property of SANTYMAR,
S.A.. The USER must restrain from suppressing, changing, eluding or manipulating any
protection device or security system that may be installed in the website.


SANTYMAR, S.A. will not be responsible, in any
case, of the costs and damages of any nature that may cause, such as, but not limited to:
errors or omission of contents, lack of availability of the website or transmission or viruses or
malware, despite having adopted the necessary technological means to avoid such.
Deficits of service in communication networks, problems resulting of malfunctioning or use of
non optimized versions of any browser, possible security errors that could occur or any
damage that those deal to the USER’s computer systems, or to the files or documents stored in
it, as a consequence of the presence of a virus or malware in the USER’s computer used for the
connection to the contents and services of the website, telephone line failures, interferences,
omission or disconnections in the operative functioning of the electronic systems motivated by
causes external to SANTYMAR, S.A.; of the knowledge that any unauthorized third party may
possess about the type, conditions, characteristics and access circumstances or use that the
USERS may employ of the website and of its information and services. Of the negligent,
illegitimate or illegal, fraudulent, contrary to the present General Terms, to good faith, to the
general accepted uses or public order, of the website, its services or contents, on behalf of the


SANTYMAR, S.A. holds the right to perform, without prior notice, any
modifications that it may consider convenient in the website, being able to change, suppress
or add either contents or services (or both) that are being given through it, or change the way
those appear presented or localized in its portal.


In the event that in links or hyperlinks were displayed directing
to other internet sites, SANTYMAR, S.A. won’t exert any kind of control over said external sites
or its contents. SANTYMAR, S.A. won’t, under any circumstance, assume responsibility of any
kind over the contents of any link belonging to an external site, and neither will it guarantee
the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, range, truthfulness, validity and
constitutionality of any material or information contained in any of said hyperlinks or other
internet sites. In the same way, the presence of these external connections won’t imply any
kind of association, fusion or participation with the linked entities.


SANTYMAR, S.A. holds the right to block the access of a USER if any
hint of fraudulent use of the provided services appears, without the need of prior notification,
by own or external motives, to the USERS that don’t follow the present Terms of Use.


SANTYMAR, S.A. will pursue the unfulfilling of the present Terms of Use as
well as any wrongful use of its portal by exerting all the criminal and civil measures that
rightfully corresponds to it by right.
modify at any moment the hereby shown and determined conditions, publicly showing them
in the same way they are shown here. The validity of the cited conditions will remain
accordingly to its exposition and will be valid until others that will be made public too modify


The relationship between SANTYMAR, S.A.
and the USER will be regulated by current Spanish legislation and any controversy will be taken
to the Courts and Tribunals of Vigo.